
Showing posts from March, 2020

Windows 10 Upgrade - Panther Logs - Locations

Where the heck is the #($*@(*#$# panther logs? Logfile location Description $windows.~bt\Sources\Panther Log location before Setup can access the drive. $windows.~bt\Sources\Rollback Log location when Setup rolls back in the event of a fatal error. %WINDIR%\Panther Log location of Setup actions after disk configuration. %WINDIR%\Inf\Setupapi .log Used to log Plug and Play device installations. %WINDIR%\Memory.dmp Location of memory dump from bug checks. %WINDIR%\Minidump.dmp Location of log minidumps from bug checks. %WINDIR%\System32\Sysprep\Panther Location of Sysprep logs.